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hacker2022-06-10 16:36:38军事新闻78


汶川地震 英语范文 ppt

May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,it is in this day that shocking earthquake

happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in

Wenchuan country Sichuan province. It was terrible.We can't describle the scene

what we saw with any words.Thousands of people were injured even died. And

thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they

longed to have families to continue their lives .I am sympathetic to their fate !

But I believed that we can fight against the fate and change it .For example ,there

many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours during the


What an unbelievable thing it is !their great spirits showed the powerful life

vitality of humans!However,they must keep fighting against the death .Many schools

were destroyed and there were many students and teachers who left us

forever.Sadness,hoplessness and different kinds of danger spreaded out here and

there !

But ,fortunately ,love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps

us ,the people all over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods ,love

and so on !For example ,li lian ji, a warm-hearted man ,offered us with 20 million

yuan !

With the help of the such a large love ,we will over come the damage of the

earthquake and face our beautiful future !


Everyone has some unforgettable experiences.

Last Monday, there was a serious earthquake in Sichuan Province. Many people were

killed. A large number of houses collapsed. I was shocked. When I see theses

pictures on TV, my eyes were filled with tears. I wanted to do something for people

in the disaster areas.

Two days later, in front of the library of our school, almost all of the teachers

and students came to donate money. I was moved. I thought although I couldn’t go

to Sichuan like the soldiers and the doctors, I still wanted to try my best to help

them. I took out all my pocket money and threw it into the donation box.

I hope they can rebuild their homeland early. It will be an unforgettable

experience in my life. It makes me experience that if everyone makes a contribution

for our country, we can overcome any difficulties.

Everyone has some unforgettable experiences.

Everyone knows there was a serious earthquake on May 12th in Sichuan Province.

Thousands of people died and houses collapsed. That evening, I watched TV with my

family. Both I and my parents were shocked. So we decided to donate for them at

once. I took out all of my pocket money. When I put them into the donation box, I

was so moving that my eyes were filled with tears.

Now, more and more people and volunteers go to disaster area to help people who are

in trouble. President Hu says: “we will try our best to save more people and we

never give up! ”I believe that if everyone makes a contribution, we will overcome

any difficulties and tomorrow will be better!

blessed china ,united countrymen!

急求英语演讲稿PPT,讲关于最近自然灾害(如日本地震什么的。拜托了TAT 邮箱:747206892@qq.com


About Japan's 9.0 earthquake some people will sympathy for some people would be glad that is normal 2 extremely differentiation, this is because you think differ ~ I think in this talk about my personal opinion ~ I am a senior middle students (pen name: half a bottle of fairy vinegar), I thank is now a free speech world ~

Indeed for our country implemented before Japan had a major wars of aggression, but we should recognize the each democratic countries will be to his own people and state interests struggle. At the expense of other countries, while Japan that year for our people of brutal really let every one of us is hated very much, but it also has its profound reason is mainly Japan location in the Eurasia plate and the Pacific plate junction of volcanic earthquakes are a belt. And secondary disasters, although more sea resources are rich. Then it's because when Japanese and cultural ideological mostly used in China, one of the aesthetic - cruel beauty, bloody beauty. Observe carefully will find our China at that time (period of feudalism) many art craft, painting can discover, this is our art teacher said. Don't know how Japan will this kind of understanding has been developing down, and we China gradually emerged many other ideas to make our country becomes a formal state (I'm not quite sure process). Every country has its different ethnic concept and know that we must admit, such as the European countries, the Chinese implicative candid, etc... It's all because of different objective thing role and of generation, is the objective world of the product.

But now Japanese does and former different, humanitarian already thorough popular feeling, it seems we China -- had many other countries are not understand China, some still think Chinese man still keep long braid, women still wrapped tuck diveseethe attacks, but now we real Chinese! Doesn't the same, this is just like us to Japan's understanding, we must not immutable treat problems, we should know objective thing is developing and changing. History we should remember, but the national editing history textbook: what is the cause of, difficult way is want us to avenge, no! No, is to use to motivate us for our national struggle, make our country stronger, the have-nots no diplomatic. This is inevitable ~ (our country gradually strong but can not to invade other people's country, we just guard in the national interest)

Those old aggression our Japanese people already meaninglessness, now of the Japanese and we have no hatred, our friendly, Chinese people should not on others when the natural disasters schadenfreude, we look at the national leaders are timely help, we Chinese people also deal with others to help and care, I believe that the vast majority of Chinese people are friendly, which we can not to point and surface, we must let the other countries see we Chinese tolerance and generous side, we Chinese are "dragon". Who is a natural attributes and social attribute, the fusion of people are to have emotional animal not inorganic, how can we really looking at human eye such by nature decree? ~

Now geological disasters occur frequently, if have really "the end of the world", also only depend on our worldwide countries unite together to respond, comprehensive all science and technology will likely be successful, an independent state is impossible, to know we are all people, is the crystallization of the universe, the universe is the ultimate product, perhaps disasters logic factors is for people of the world unite ~

Today is March 20 in 2011, Sunday afternoon, our school has been canceled, continue to write this article is the most significant this week my mind ~ then get down to business! See a story on television recently in the rescue team - go to day care basic depend to daily life in Japan, the disaster, pitched tents where relief will live in tents, where water is due to lack of general physical practice "three-no wash", i.e. not shave, don't wash feet, not wash hands, they day water is what most of the bubble instant noodles, they go to the Japanese shops to buy some food Japanese merchants in China after that they are resolute don't accept money teams and sent rescue teams some daily no-brainer and some restricted foods, handshake friendly, it makes the Japanese people know Asian people didn't give up on them. Rescuers captain said: "we walk on the way to disaster relief, each place the Japanese people met we thank bow, but they use very fluent Chinese said to us," hello, thank. This moment I feel my heart seems to be touched, why all nations in the world people cannot like a family harmony? I believe this must be realized ~

Japan "earthquake", "tsunami", "nuclear leaked," "east Japan may be completely destroyed," "Japan 2 million people missing" these news out gradually, but I saw a lot of online but in troubled clap, say many bad word, see more my mood more sad, I know the nanjing massacre, the diaoyu island events, but is it really this is people's fault? Here is an in Shanghai in the living in Japan for Chinese Internet users say "from Japan since I came to China I know many don't know deep in Japan, I can understand what happened in our country when some Chinese natural disaster, but I would be glad to such behavior understands that, if I am a Chinese may I will be also very happy, but when I saw a lot of Chinese people to our country's natural disasters give blessing, sympathy and help when I was deeply touched, I thank them to have such rational knowledge to treat our country's disaster, I feel very warm, I am here to those since our country aggression of the slain before that I am sorry people, really very sorry." Whenever I see a large group of people on the affected and the fading people say, sympathy and condolences from my heart the "good guys always feel more than bad," really ~, one the nanjing massacre survivors say "I maliciously is the Japanese government is not Japan people" (don't know is true, but the starting point is good).

Most of the Chinese earthquake in Japan in the sympathy when Posting online praying, but there are some who say they are "traitors"... Ill, said we 90 such learning is not learn, after this debate that online, some say that part of people called "cynical", I want to say is, indeed, regardless of any one thing, a light conflicts have dark, someone in favor of will certainly opposition, but the reason is because light day there will be a far outweigh its darkness, the nature of things that depends on far outweigh under certain conditions may darkness will be greater than the light (such as at night), but that is only temporary, the truth is higher than all, eventually light will come.

"Cynical" children, I thank your patriotic enthusiasm, I also very patriotic, I hope our Chinese more powerful (please everyone working together), I know that want to change your thinking is not easy, even impossible, but I don't plan to control, I hope is that the correct view of people don't shake faith of the heart. Know now after the 90 students (90%) why large portions of sympathy for Japan? "In Japan super-large after the earthquake, the 100 Chinese each university professor of Japan signed out issued a warm hand" article, arouse the help of the Japanese public countrymen on "a lot of Chinese (70%) also have given us a lot of help and sympathy ~ it is because of China's national education now in the constant rise, China's society in the unceasing development, although we now have a number of disadvantages in China, but I believe that China can do for humanity and life, people had a deeper understanding of men are different from animals, is because people have the rational understanding. Really a different social existence will decide a different social consciousness, when a new social existence appeared, there are some social consciousness is not soon becomes the corresponding social existence, which will have a long transition time, can appear even tolerate. Simple parable about although "equality" concept already thorough popular feeling, but there are still some country or some people still have the heart of the concept of "boys are better than girls". Here are "boys are better than girls" is the old days (social consciousness) lack of labor (social existence), and determined by the modern science and technology, production level is high, high (the new social existence) and decided to "equality" (new social consciousness), these few person relations and like the parable of above same. We should understand "cynical" the mood, really in modern society "humanitarian", "life above all" has gradually pervasive, and we all know the world is developing and changing, who can't prevent the objective world development and change (all history and the modern event can proof), the development of the objective world, despite the good aspects of always tends to be a history will sometimes backwards developed but also he will, the general trend is moving forward, is for the better, just all time length problem just (this is time power), all the wrong ideas and understanding will be social eliminated only accord with the objective reality development, the right would have been retained ~ it's like our China feudal society from a socialist country now AD hoc as, I thank Marx teach me these, "thank you." So in the modern "respect for every life" is what we should do, don't those Japanese dead our own countrymen can came alive? We can't change history, but it does not mean we will continue to give history ", "I still believe blackened new ideas right will eventually supplant old ideas.

I am a senior high school science students, our school is a week of Sunday afternoon put half afternoon false (5 hours) night at wanzi xi, (actually I compare lazy) but I spent two Sunday's time to write this story, because I see the miserable scene and Japanese earthquake victims disappointed eyes, loss of pain. Their eyes prompted me to write this article. (I want to become a scientist) ~ let I really really hope the world without war hope the whole world can coexist in peace, all together. I believe that this is possible (because it is compound the objective reality of)... Because good than bad always, hope you can send this article reproduced or released to all over the world, thank you ~ (out)

Author: half a bottle of fairy vinegar (pen name)



China is a frequent natural disasters and the country every year, in some areas drought, 洪涝, landslides, the frost, typhoons, the hail, the grass, waiting for disasters and pests and diseases should attack. the earthquake, disaster can also occur to the people's lives and property incurred severe losses.

1.earthquake calamity地震灾害


China except outside Guizhou, Zhejiang Province, various provinces has 6 magnitude of above earthquakes, in which has had 7 level of above macroseism provinces,the autonomous region, the municipality has had 19.The national 7 level of above high intensity area area amounts to 3,120,000 square kilometers, occupies thenational territory area 32%.The national 45% big or media-sized cities are located the intensity are 7 degree or 7 degree above high intensity areas.

2.aridity calamity干旱灾害

水资源持续减少。The water resources reduce continually.

湖泊水位降低,水面缩小甚至干涸。The lake water level reduces, the water surface reduces even dry.

冰川退缩和变薄 The glacier flinches and changes thin

沙漠化土地明显扩展。Desertification land obvious expansion.

3.spate calamity洪涝灾害

多年来,由于盲目开垦砍伐,使植被大面积丧失,造成水土流失、江河泥沙淤积,河床抬高。For many years, because blindly has opened up wasteland the felling, causes the vegetation big area to lose, creates the soil erosion, the rivers and streams silt siltation, the river bed run-up.

4.soil erosion 水土流失

我国是世界上水土流失最严重的国家之一,每年流失土壤50多亿吨,占世界总流失量(600亿吨〕的1/12,每年的入海泥沙量约20亿吨,亦占世界陆地人海泥沙量(240亿吨)的1/12。Our country is in the world one of soil erosion most serious countries, drains the soil more than 50 hundred million tons every year, occupies the world always drains the quantity (60,000,000,000tons) 1/12, every year enters the sea silt quantity approximately 2,000,000,000 tons, also accounts for the world land huge crowd silt quantity (24,000,000,000 tons) 1/12.

5.landslide 滑坡

如人为的爆破作用、开挖坡脚或矿坑、坡面上堆填加载、生产和生活用水下渗等改变了原有的地质环境,破坏了平衡,矿山、铁路、水库旁的山体滑坡主要是这个原因。If the artificial demolition effect, excavated on the toe of slope or the mine pit, the slope face the pile fills in under the load, the production and the domestic water infiltrates and so on to change the original geological environment, destroyed the balance, nearby the mine, the railroad, the reservoir mountain massif landslide mainly is this reason.


The humanity produces the activity not reasonably, has caused the environment worsening, the environment worsened suggestion or aggravated the natural disaster occurrence, but the natural disaster occurrence further destroyed the environment, has carried on the heartless retaliation to the humanity, this is a vicious circle.In order to prevent or slows down this vicious circle the occurrence and the extension, must display the human society fully the regulative function, the deference natural law, seeks the harmonious relations between the human and the natural environment, the improvement environment, reduces the disaster,creates the happier environmental condition for the human survival and the social development.














那(gw908 0.com公3|文6有7约)时,没有大型计算机,就用手摇式计算机;没有办公桌,就伴着微茫的烛光和手电筒的光亮,趴在地上画图……"饥餐砂砾饭,渴饮苦水浆。"张爱萍将军生前这样描写过位于西北的"两弹"研制基地。


而航天发达国家更大步地走在了我国的前面。1961年4月,"东方1号"飞船载着27岁的前苏联空军少校加加林,进行了108分钟的太空旅行,这是人类历史上第一次载人航天飞行,23天后,美国也把宇航员送上了太空。gw9080.co m公3文6有@7约



我们必须正视的事实是:一个国力贫弱的国家,无法支撑起一个航天大国!在改革开放中日益强大的共和国,也在积聚着实现飞天的力量。g w9080.com公3~文6有7约








从神一到神六,从无人到有人,从一天到多天……数字的变化,标志着载人航天事业的前进的一大步又一大步。 gw 9080 .com公3@文6有7约


我国近年来的1000多种新材料中,80%是在空间技术的牵引下研制完成的;有近2000项空间技术成果已移植到国民经济各个部门,在卫星通信、导航定位、气象预报、减灾防灾、远程教育等方面,服务于生产和生活。 g w9080.com公3`文6有7约



2005年11月26日,在庆祝神舟六号载人航天飞行圆满成功大会上, 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛在大会上发表重要讲话指出,神舟六号载人航天飞行的圆满成功,是我国载人航天工程"三步走"战略进入第二步的重要开局,标志着我国在发展载人航天技术方面取得了又一个具有里程碑意义的重大胜利……






seismic area 地震带; 地震区; 震区

seismic belt 地震带; 地震区

seismic center 震中

aftershock 余震

Richter Scale(1—10) 里氏震级

seismographer 地震学家

earthquake monitoring 地震监控

smaller tremors 小地震

rescue team 救援小组

international contributions 国际援助


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  • 听弧缪败(2022-06-11 04:24:50)回复取消回复

    !飞天!中国航天人在太空完成一次次壮丽的旅程。 苍凉戈壁滩上,航天城高耸入云; 茫茫大草原上,回荡着神舟飞船六度凯旋的豪迈与激情…… 十几年时间里,中国人完成了别国几十年的跨越:中国不仅成了世界上第三个独立掌握载人航天技术的国家,而且成了世界上第三个能够独立进行有人参与

  • 慵吋清晓(2022-06-10 23:48:31)回复取消回复

    汶川地震的英语PPT5、急,谁会做关于地震的PPT啊,简单的,最好是英文6、有没关于地震的英语PPT汶川地震 英语范文 pptMay 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,it is in this day that shocking earth

  • 澄萌偶亦(2022-06-10 19:09:37)回复取消回复

    e in my life. It makes me experience that if everyone makes a contribution for our country, we can over