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hacker2022-06-12 05:45:15军事新闻79


在地震中如何保护自己 英语作文

When earthquake happens, first, you should keep calm. Keeping calm can save your life. Keeping calm can make you judge the right place to hide yourself. Secondly, when earthquake stops, you should leave the dangerous place as soon as quickly. If you leave slowly, you can perhaps be trapped into the dangerous place. Thirdly, keeping good order makes us leave rapidly, avoid crowding together, which make people have less opportunity to leave. Lastly, we should learn the civilized spirit from the Japanese, who do not frighten any disaster and learn to save themselves.地震发生时,首先,你应该保持冷静。保持冷静,可以挽救你的生命。保持冷静能让你判断正确的地方把自己藏起来。其次,当地震停止后,你应该尽快离开这个危险的地方。如果你离开,慢慢地,你也许可以陷入危险的地方。第三,保持良好的秩序使我们迅速离开,避免拥挤在一起,使人们不得不离开的机会少。最后,我们应该学习日本的文明精神,谁不害怕任何灾难和学会自救。



The quake, the earthquake during the most important is to keep calm, don't panic, can't lose reason, especially don't panic, because panic is the biggest danger. If in the outdoor should hands cling to the head, the dodge the tall buildings or dangerous thing, if in the interior, shall be immediately hide under the table, with the head of the quilt to compare insurance cover their heads.


When walking outside


Take caution against falling objects, such as signs and broken windows. Tools and construction materials can fall down at a construction site. Protect your head with your bag or coat and keep at a distance from tall buildings. Stone walls and pillars can also fall down and are potentially dangerous.


When driving a car


Firmly hold the steering wheel, gradually reduce speed, park your car on the side of the road, and stop the engine. Listen to information on the radio and find out what is happening. If you need to evacuate, leave your keys, keep the doors unlocked, and walk away with your car documents and valuables.


When underground or in a subway


The shaking you feel when you are underground is about half of what you would experience over ground. Additionally, underground areas have strong structures and are safer than high-rise buildings. Calmly evacuate, following instructions from shop clerks and subway staff.


When in high-rise building


Elevators with earthquake sensors will stop at the nearest floor. Immediately leave the elevator. If you get stuck in the elevator, use the intercom to contact someone outside and wait for rescue. When you evacuate from buildings, never use elevators, listen to announcements, and use the stairs to leave the building.


When near the ocean


Head for higher ground and carefully listen to tsunami information. Do not go near the ocean until tsunami warnings have been cleared. Don’t even think about going to watch tsunamis!




  • 鸽吻娇痞(2022-06-12 07:12:19)回复取消回复

    evacuate, following instructions from shop clerks and subway staff.地下感受到的震动大约只有地上的一半。另外,地下建筑通常比高层建筑更坚固,安全。应按照店员和地铁工作人员的指示,沉着冷静地撤离。When in high-rise b