自己的财务计划英语作业(如何管理自己的财务 英语作文)
- 1、我是学生现在做一份财务分析的作业,本人英语水平不高。请帮忙翻译成英文!非常感谢啊,急用。
- 2、求一篇关于财务会计的英语作文,里面要包括会计6大要素还有财务报表的内容。120字左右就可以了。急求!!
- 3、英文财务会计作业!急,在线等!!!!
- 4、关于公司理财的作业(英文)
Gansu Qilianshan Concrete Group Co., Ltd was authorized to construct under the paper No.[1995] 68 issued by Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems by Gansu Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems, which was set up on 17th, July 1996. Gansu Qilianshan Concrete Group Co., Ltd is the special concrete manifactural base for Northwest area of China. Since the foundation of the company in 1996, the total capiyal stock has arisen from 70,000,000RMB to 3.46 billion RMB. The amount of the capital has risen from 2 billion to 9.26 billion. The profit also comes out top in the listed companies of the industry. At the beginning of the new century, company has grasped the good oppournity of the West Development leaded by the spirit of restructure and motived by the innovation and creation to undertake the structural readjustment and enhance the competitive power of the enterprise. It has also invested 5 billion RMB on the construction of 2 new-type product lines with the production capacity of 2000 tonnn and 2500 ton respectively. The company's production scale has yet reached amount to more than 5,000,000 tons yearly, which made it be the largest concrete supplier in the northwest region.
On the year April 1996 Gansu Qilianshan Concrete Group Co., Ltd(under preparation) applied to issue stocks publicly.
The six most basic elements in accounting world are Assets, Liabilities, Shareholders' Equity, Income, Expenses, and Net Income.
The prior three elements above, which are commonly seen in a corporate balance sheet, could be linked through the following equation: Assets = Liabilities + Equity. While the latter three elements, as major components in an income statement, are connected a logic as that: Net Income = Income - Expenses.
More specifically, assets, liabilities and equities represent the ability of a corporate, at a certain point of time, to generate income against expenses. Whereas income, expenses, and net incomes indicate how well a corporate has managed to increase its assets against liabilities, for a period of time.
Having acknowledged these 6 elements in a timely basis, the users of financial statements will be able to better evaluate a corporate's financial situation in the future.
cost of goods sold
cost of goods sold
inventory,january 1 152,000
purchases 642,000
less:purchase discounts 18,000
net purchase 624,000
add:fright-in 0
cost of goods purchase 624,000
cost of goods available for sale 776,000
inventory,december 31 125,000
cost of goods sold 651,000
因为 multiple-step income statement需要用到 cost of goods 所以应该先用已知条件求出,那个...因为应该是用的periodic system 求cost of goods sold 我们没有要求重点掌握,我是按照书上的步骤写的,如果你觉得拿不准,方法其实都一样,你可以自己在算一下。
income statement
sales revenues
sales 1,100,000
less:sales discounts 5,000
net sales 1,095,000
cost of goods sold 651,000
gross profit 444,000
operating expenses
selling expenses 128,000
general asministrative expenses 15,000
total operating expenses 143,000
income from operations 301,000
other revenues and gains
dividends revenue 8,000
other expenses and loss
interest expense 17,000
earthquake loss 42,000
income 250,000
net income的得数应该和后面一列对齐,不知为什么就是移不过去。
retained earings
retained earings january 1 290,000
add:net income 250,000
less:dividends 29,000
retained earnings december 31 286,000
1. 98年,Senbet Discount Tire 公司(以下简称SDT)的销售总额是100万。SDT的【产品成本】和【销售成本】分别是30万和20万,这些数据里面不包括累计折旧的费用。SDT同时还有应付账款100万。这些账款需要付10%的利息。折旧费用是10万。SDT在98年的税率是35%。
a. SDT的运营成本是什么
2. 考虑下列2个相互排斥的项目(即只能2选1)。每个项目所要求的收益率都是15%。假设你在Bahamas Recreation 公司的财务规划部工作,你正试图对比不同的投资标准来选择最好的一个项目
Year Fishing Ride Deepwater New Submarine
0 _$600,000 _$1,800,000
1 270,000 1,000,000
2 350,000 700,000
3 300,000 900,000
a.根据【Discounted payback period】方法,那个项目会被选择?
c.由于你意识到了IRR方法的【Scale problem】,你需要计算IRR的增量。 根据你的计算 哪个项目会被选择?
d.谨慎起见 你计算了2个项目的NPV。 哪个项目会被选择?结果是否和c问的相同?
3. Calgary Industries 公司正准备一个新公工程 耗资2500万。 这个项目带来的税后收入是每年700万 持续5年。 这个公司的【D/E 率】是0.75. 【权益成本】是15% 【负债成本】是9% 公司的税率是35%。 这个项目的风险和整个公司预计的风险保持一致。 问, 这个公司是否应该接受这个项目?
【产品成本】即COGS(cost of goods sold)你所卖掉的产品的成本 单指卖掉的产品的成本 如果你是自产自销 那产品成本会包括原材料(direct material) 人工(direct labor) 和相关的杂费(overhead) 如果你是进货然后再卖 那产品成本只包括你产品的进货成本价
【销售成本】指你卖产品时发生的费用 比如广告费 管理费等
【Discounted payback period】即把今后预计每年的现金流换算成它的现值 然后来计算多少年能够回本。 注意 这个是要求算年份!
【IRR】即当NPV=0时 所需要的那个回报率 这个简单 用求NPV的那个公式 设NPV=0 解r
【Scale problem】举个例子 比如一个项目投资10万 1年后赚了10万 回报率为100% 另一个项目投资50万 1年后赚了40万 回报率为80% 表面看来 第二个项目赚了40万比第一个多 但实际上 他的回报率是低于第一个的 这就是scale problem
【D/E 率】就是负债比权益的比率
【权益成本】就是一个公司集资所要的成本 比如说红利
【负债成本】就是一个公司贷款等所要的成本 比如贷款的利息
呵呵 完全人工翻译 本人在国外读会计和财务管理 翻译方面感觉没太大问题 有些名词也给你简单解释了一下 题目本身不难 加加减减或套公式就能有答案的
希望对你理解有帮助 嘎嘎!