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hacker2022-09-25 19:45:15金融新闻176




Consumption of excess body heat, help with weight loss or weight maintenance


Improve heart and lung function, promote blood circulation


Reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus opportunity


Enhance the body resistance, reduce the chance of disease


Strong bones, prevent osteoporosis


Help improve the body, strong muscles


The help stretches the physique, reduces the backache backache


Increases bodily and the joint flexibility, causes the person to be more nimble, reduce the chance of injury


So sleep better, more rest


A more dynamic, more and more eye-catching, more study and work efficiency


Help to relax, clear about studying or working stress


Help increase stamina, exercise a strong will, the courage to face the challenge


Help increase self-confidence, to establish a healthy self-image


To provide with the students or teachers to share opportunities, promote our friendship


To provide opportunities to meet new friends and learn the spirit of cooperation in group activities


Boredom, kill time


Bring to you happy, fun, fun, exciting feeling


Let you learn more skills, these skills are more likely to use for a lifetime


The first:


In this environment the ballroom special bad, in addition to high-end ballroom not sprinkle talcum powder, 99% of the ballroom floor smooth is to rely on cheap talcum powder to solve, you think so much dust is to rely on each other breath, break it, at least in the half-way need to add a cast, so many talcum powder, in everyone's feet, flying dust. Except for a small part of off-site discharge, most clearly assigned to each dancer to lung preservation.




The ballroom is a smoker's paradise, two hours 200 men each small is two, which is two. Such a space, the smoke around, whether you smoke or not to smoke, in which the body involuntarily, second-hand smoke, there is no escape. Absolute harm to the body.




Not only the person has smoked and clothes especially sweater (underwear) will be infected with smoke, so take a shower, washing is essential, which is caused by additional things dance.




Breeding conflict conditions, it also contains a variety of elements. In order to make partner dispute, collision, friction, step on the foot of such a dispute. The smell of gunpowder heavy place.




Dancing addicted to have impact on business, with the children to play games not two kind, the sap one's spirit by seeking pleasures you.




A hotbed of emotional smuggling. The environment here is to give emotional frustration, or the spiritual sustenance nowhere man, this is a very good platform. It has always been considered a slaughterhouse affection.


Seventh: if further to worship is the masters and the economic burden of a lot of.


广场舞的流行 The Popularity of Square Dance 23 In China, the woman who is more than 40 year-old is called Da Ma, it has to be admitted that Da Ma is a powerful group, they own certain money at hand, we always hear about the news about them buying house everywhere or flying to the foreign country to buy the brands. The large group now has invaded the square at night, when the night comes, several groups of Da Ma go to the square, playing the music and dance until 9 o’clock. About few years ago, only few women would do this, but now, as the economy develops, people live a better life, so they begin to find entertainment. Da Ma have made the square dance popular, when we go out at night, we may find them dance everywhere. I think square dance is a good way for people to get exercise, they can keep fit.


We can see lots ladies dancing in the square or open spaces after dinner time.It was a very harmonious scene not until someone fire guns and release his dogs to threaten these ladies to escape,just because their music is too loud.Some people think this lousy music has seriously affecting their life,so that the dancing lady should be expelled from public place.While I can’t agree with them.I have two reasons to support my views.In the first place,most dancing ladies are retired woman,they finally have extra time to do something they like to do,and get together to dance,making more new friends who are share the same habit with them,and build up their body as well.As a matter of fact,some dancing lady is a loner with on family member at home,dancing group is like their second home.We should not deprive them of dance right.As a consequence,we cannot expel the dancing lady,because it is a public place,and why can’t we show some mercy to a group of retired lady who are just need a place to dance together?



  • 纵遇橘亓(2022-09-25 21:37:47)回复取消回复

    woman who is more than 40 year-old is called Da Ma, it has to be admitted that Da Ma is a power

  • 俗野余安(2022-09-26 03:14:35)回复取消回复

    t on business, with the children to play games not two kind, the sap one's spirit by seeking pleasures you. 第六:Sixth. 情感走私的温床。这里的环境给情感有挫,或者把精神寄托没有着

  • 痴者卮酒(2022-09-26 07:10:29)回复取消回复

    where man, this is a very good platform. It has always been considered a slaughterhouse affection. 第七:如果进一

  • 萌懂忆囚(2022-09-26 07:43:42)回复取消回复

    分的休息So sleep better, more rest 令人更有活力、更精神及更醒目,学习及工作更有效率A more dynamic, more and more eye-catching, more study and work efficiency 帮助松弛神经,清除读书或工作带来的精

  • 弦久鹿岛(2022-09-26 01:24:14)回复取消回复

    ction, promote blood circulation 减低患上心脏病、高血压及糖尿病等慢性疾病的机会Reduce the risk of chronic diseases suc