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hacker2022-10-24 11:15:26大豆信息196


宏观经济学中oil price shock什么意思啊?

oil price shock 翻译过来就是 “石油价格冲击”,宏观经济学上在20世纪70年代石油危机之后,人们开始关注石油价格变动与世界经济兴衰起伏之间的关系,早期观点主要集中于成本效应和财富效应。











找到一些,因为你的要求涵盖的范围满广我找的这些论文也五花八门,你看看哪些能用吧. 1.Petroleum Geology of the North Falkland Basin 2.PETROLEUM GEOLOGY OF THE DEEPWATER JACKFORK GROUP AND ATOKA FORMATION WITH A PRIMER ON THE PETROLEUM GEOLOGY OF DEEPWATER DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS 3.Petroleum Geology of North Africa 4.PETROLEUM GEOLOGY IN THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 5.Petroleum Geology in the United States Geological Survey 6.Petroleum Geology and Resources of the Amu-Darya Basin, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Iran 7.PETROLEUM GEOLOGY OF DEEP-WATER CLASTIC (TURBIDITE DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS (Sept.%203-7).pdf

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求翻译帝 翻译英文石油文献

As mentioned in the introduction, we hypothesize that the pore filling mechanisms (and thus the residual saturation) change at the onset of overshoot. In essence, at the overshoot capillary number, the viscous flow in the main wetting front becomes equal or greater than the capillary driven flow through the layers. In other words, below the overshoot capillary number, only capillary driven flows control where the fluids are emplaced at the pore-scale, above this number, the viscous forces begin to play a role. If this hypothesis is true, the overshoot capillary number should be the same for all different fluids when using the same porous media. To test this hypothesis we plot the overshoot capillary number versus the viscosity of the fluid.


Figure 10 shows the overshoot capillary number as a function of viscosity for all seven fluids used in the study. Over a range of viscosity of (0.3 - 1.9 x 10 -3 Pas), we see that the overshoot capillary number has a cluster around 1.45 x 10 -6 for all of the fluids used with the exception of water. If the overshoot capillary number is where the viscous forces start playing a role, the transition capillary number is hypothesized to be where the viscous forces dominate the capillary forces. Experimentally, we see very little residual saturation above this transition capillary number for each fluid, although the light transmission shows a slight increase in wetting phase (and thus slight decrease in residual non-wetting phase) with increasing capillary number (Region I).

图10显示作为本研究所使用的七种流体粘度函数的过冲毛细管准数。在(0.3 - 1.9 x 10 -3 Pas) 粘稠度范围内,我们看见除水之外,其他所有的流体的过冲毛细管准数都集中于1.45 x 10 -6周围。如果该过冲毛细管准数是位于粘性流体的动力开始发挥作用之处,转变的毛细管准数被假定位于粘性动力支配毛细管动力之点。实验中,在每种流体的转变毛细管准数之上,我们观察到很少的残余饱和度,虽然透光显示,随着毛细管准数的增加,润湿相有细微的增加(所以,残余非润湿相有些许减少)【区域1】。

The significance of this decrease is hard to determine, as it may just be an experimental artifact from using finite sized columns [DiCarlo, 2004, Glass et. Al, 1989]. In any case, to test the transition capillary number hypothesis, Figure 11 shows the transition capillary number as a function of viscosity for all seven fluids used. As with the overshoot, we observe that the transition capillary number is closely spaced (with a vlue of roughly 1.085 x 10 -6 ) For all the fluids except for water.

这种减少的意义很难确定,有可能是使用尺寸有限的塔器所造成的实验假象【DiCarlo, 2004, Glass et. Al, 1989】。无论如何,为了检验对转变毛细管准数的假设,图11显示作为所使用的七种流体粘度函数的转变毛细管准数。与过冲毛细管准数一样,我们观察到除水以外,所有流体的转变毛细管准数都紧靠在一起(大约值是1.085 x 10 -6)。

In analogy to the capillary desaturation curve shown in Fig 1, we propose that the overshoot capillary number corresponds to the critical capillary number, and the transition capillary number corresponds to the leveling off of the CDC at high capillary numbers. This analogy does not seem to be complete though. First, the range of a typical CDC is about 3 orders of

magnitude, while in the overshoot experiments, the transition and overshoot flux differ by only 1 order of magnitude.


关于石油价格的英文文献 及翻译 就是中英对照

石油价格指数 3497.67 42.33

液化气指数 2046.06 0

汽油指数 2121.39 1.94

柴油指数 2058.29 1.71

燃料油指数 2736.67 0

溶剂油指数 1980.5 0

Oil price index 3497.67 42.33

Liquefied natural gas index 2046.06 0

Since 2121.39 gasoline index

2058.29 diesel indices 1.71

Fuel oil index 2736.67 0



Using the Phillips curve to analyze the dynamic impact of oil price fluctuation on U.S. inflation,


Hooker (2002) first proposed this view and found that the relationship can be negligible in the later half of the study period [5].

Hooker (2002) 首先提出这种观点并发现这种关系在研究的中后期可以忽略不计[5].

Jones et al. (2004) also support this view by summarizing the related literature [6].

Jones等人(2004) 在汇总了相关文献后同样支持这种观点[6].

However, as Balke et al. (2008) pointed out that these documents only can explain the phenomenon of gradually weakened negative relationship,

然而, 正如Balke等人(2008) 所指出的, 这些文档只能解释负相关渐弱的现象,

and it can not explain why the relationship now is positive [3].


So the existing literature can not effectively explain the cause of the changing relationship.


Generally in the oil market the sources leading to price fluctuation are comprised of oil supply shocks, economic demand shocks and precautionary demand shocks.

总的来说, 在原油市场, 主导价格波动的来源由原油供应的冲击, 经济需求的冲击以及预防性需求的冲击所组成.

Oil supply shocks are the factors that impact oil price fluctuation through oil production volatility.


Economic demand shocks are the world economic factors that impact oil price fluctuation through world oil demand volatility.


Precautionary demand shocks are specific to the crude oil market and designed to capture shifts in the price of oil driven by higher precautionary

demand associated with fears about the availability of future oil supplies.

预防性需求冲击是针对原油市场的, 它的目的在于预防因担忧未来原油供应的可获得性而形成的较高预防性需求所导致的原油价格变动.

If oil price is driven by different factors, the economic consequences will be different.

如果原油价格是由不同要素驱动的, 那么经济后果也会有所不同.

When commenting on the view of Blanchard and Gali (2007) [7], U.S. energy economic research scholar Rotemberg (2007) [8] also pointed out that the

dynamic changing relationship between oil price fluctuation and economic development can be interpreted from this angle, but he did not carry out theoretical and empirical analysis.

在评论Blanchard和Gali (2007) [7]的观点时, 美国能源经济研究学者 Rotemberg (2007) [8] 也指出, 原油价格波动与经济发展之间的动态变化关系可以从这个角度解读, 但是他没有完成理论与实证的分析.

This is precisely the source of the ideas of the paper.




  • 鹿岛矫纵(2022-10-24 22:44:39)回复取消回复

    First, the range of a typical CDC is about 3 orders of magnitude, while in the overshoot experiments, the transition

  • 冢渊眼戏(2022-10-24 13:28:13)回复取消回复

    用的七种流体粘度函数的转变毛细管准数。与过冲毛细管准数一样,我们观察到除水以外,所有流体的转变毛细管准数都紧靠在一起(大约值是1.085 x 10 -6)。In analogy to the

  • 掩吻榆西(2022-10-24 15:32:34)回复取消回复

    pirical analysis. 在评论Blanchard和Gali (2007) [7]的观点时, 美国能源经济研究学者 Rotemberg (2007) [8] 也指出, 原油价格波