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hacker2022-06-14 22:09:29热门话题91


谁有大学体验英语综合教程3的课文听力 不要新版的 就要第二版的

去听力教室: 非常好的英语听力网站,里面小学、初中、高中、大学、4、6级、考研、疯狂英语、商务英语、VOA、BBC、英文歌曲、带字幕的原声电影……听力材料,视频都有。很多资料都可以免费下载。去找找吧,肯定能找到你想要的。


采纳后,请留下发余下的给你。噢 顺便提一下 我目前上的ABC5夫下英语的外教和我提到,如果要掌握好英语是轻松的!必须具有符合的研习环境以及练习口语对象 这取决于外教资质 口语纯正非常重要 持续逐日口语练习,一对一家教式辅导才可以有更.好.的进步效率。上完课记得复习听取课后录音反馈 帮助加强记忆 不过实在没有练习对象 只能上 VOA或BBC拿到课外教材练习 多说多问短时间口语会进步许多,整体效果肯定会快速显着的;BookIUnit1WarmingUpWelcometoClickhereforLanguageLearning,thehomeoflive,naturalonlinelanguagelearning.ClickHereforLanguageLearninghelpsyouimproveyourlanguageskills,andoffersthemostpositive1learningexperienceyoumayeverhave.Whetheryou’relearningEnglish,Cnese,French,Spanish,oranyotherlanguage,justclickhere!Usingthelatesttechnology,weofferforeignlanguageclasseaminimalcostandgiveyoualearningexperienceunlikeanyother.ClickHereforLanguageLearningprovidesconstantfeedback(回馈,反馈)soyou’llfeelconfidentinyourabilitytospeak,listen,write,andreadtheforeignlanguageofyourchoice.ClickHereforLanguageLearningisaclicktowardssuccess,andyoucanstartlearningfromhometoday!Youcanlearnaforeignlanguageonyourownschedule,wheneverit’sconvenient,onCD-ROMoronline.ClickHereforLanguageLearninghelpsyoulearnasecondlanguageasnaturallyaslearningyourfirst!注释:1.positivea.积极的,肯定的,明确的passivea.被动的,消极的negativea.否定的,反面的,消极的.late—later—latestlatea.(原级)迟的,晚的latera.(比较级)更迟的,更晚的lattera.(位于the,ts,these后)后面的;〔thelatter〕后者latesta.(最高级)最迟的,最晚的,最新的.minimala.最小的,最低的minimizevt.使…成极少,减到最少minimumn.最少maximizevt.把…增大(扩大)到最大限度maximumn.最大量,最高值UnderstandingShortConverionsNowyouwillheartenshortconverions.Asuestionwillfolloweachconverion.Listencarefullyandchoosethebestanswerfromthefourpossiblechoices.1.W:IsawanadontheInternetaboutonlinelanguagestudies.M:Metoo.Isawanadfor,“ClickHereforLanguageLearning”.s:Whatdothemanandthewomanhaveincommon1?B.M:Youhavetobe1yearsoldtoentersomeonlinelanguageclasses.W:Really?Ihadnoideathattherewasaminimumageresuiredforsomeclasses.s:WhatdidthewomanNOTaboutonlinelanguageclassesbefore?C.M:Unlikeregularclasses,onlineclassescanbetakenatyourhome.W:That’sexactlywhyIdecidedtobeginstudyingonline!s:Whydidthewomandecidetostudyonline?A.W:IkeeponmakingnewfriendsasIstudyonline.M:SodoI!Therearesomanypeopleonline,andIwanttomeetthemall!s:Whatisonebenefitofstudyingonline?C.M:Myonlineteacheraskedtheclassforsuggestionstomaketheclassbetter.W:That’sgreat!Ialwayslikeitwhenateacherdoesthat.s:Whatdidtheman’steacherwanttodo?D.M:Ihadnoideathatonlinelanguagelearningcouldbesoeffective!W:Itsurehashelpedmepracticemylanguageskills!s:Whatisitaboutonlinelanguagelearningthatsurprisedtheman?C.M:MyclassmatesandIhelpeachothersolvehomeworkproblemsonline.W:Itsoundslikeyou’reusingtheInternetinausefulway.s:Whatdoesthemandoonline?C.M:Onlinelearningisidealforanyonewhodoesn’thavetimetotraveltoschool.W:Yes,butitalsohasitsownchallenges.s:Whatdoesthewomanhavetoaboutonlinelearning?A.M:Virtualclassroomarechanginghowstudentsstudy!W:Theysureare!AndI,forone,amveryexcitedaboutit.s:Accordingtotheman,whatishappeningtostudentsbecauseofvirtualclassrooms?B10.M:Whatadvicedidyourprofessorgiveyou?W:Hesaidthattakinganonlineclasswouldhelpmelearn.s:Whatdidthewoman’sprofessorsuggest?D注释:1.havesth.incommon在…有共同点havemucncommon在...有很多共同点havenotngincommon在…没有共同点.keepondoing继续做,坚持做keepsb.on继续雇用某人keeponaboutsth.继续谈论某事keeponatsb.不断地向某人提出请求不断地抱怨(纠缠,困扰)某人UnderstandingaLongConverionNowyouwillhearalongconverionfollowedbyfivesuestions.Listencarefullyandchoosethebestanswerfromthefourpossiblechoices.W:How’syournewonlineclass,Bill?Isiteverytngyouhadhopedfor?M:It’severytngandmore,Susan.Youshouldgiveitatry!W:Oh,really?What’sthebesttngaboutit?M:Inanonlineclass,youtalkwithothersovertheInternet.Sincetheyarenotrightnextto1you,theydon’tbotheryousomuch.W:Thatsoundsgreat!ItookaclasswithsomeonewhowouldmakemefeelsmallwheneverImadeamistake.HewouldtellmehowstupidIwasandintimidate(威胁,恐吓)mesothatIneverwantedtoparticipate.M:Notaprobleminthevirtualclassroom.Howwouldyouliketosignup?Itnkthatyoucouldstartonthetrdofnextmonth.W:Idon’t,Bill.Youallthoseproblemsabouthavingdifficultpeopleintheclassroom?M:Yeah?W:Wedon’treallyhavethemanymoresinceyouleft.1.WchofthefollowingisNOTtrueaboutBill?A.AccordingtoBill,whyareotherstudentsNOTaconcerninanonlineclass?B.WhydidSusanNOTliketoparticipateinclass?B.WhencouldSusanstartstudyingonline?D.WhydidSusanNOTmakeuphermindtojoinonlineclass?A注释:1.next:a.其次的,紧接的nextto1)仅次于)靠近,贴近.sign:n.记号,符号;预兆,迹象;标记,牌子vt.签名;做手势,打信号signin签到;记录某人到达的时间signout用签名的办法记录某人离开的时间signup签约参加工作(或组织,活动等)UnderstandingaPassageNowyouwillhearapassagefollowedbyfivesuestions.Listencarefullyandchoosethebestanswerfromthefourpossiblechoices.Thefirstresuirementformyonlinelanguageclasswastomeetinanonlineforum(论坛).Ienteredtheforumearlyandsawstudentsappearonthescreenoneafteranother.Strangelyenough,whenitwastimetobegin,theteacherstillhadn’tshownup1.However,webegansharinginformationandtalkingaboutthenewclass.Unlikeme,alloftheotherstudentswerenewtotheonlineclass.Itoldthemaboutmyexperienceandmythoughts.ThenInoticedsometng.Therewerepeopleintheforum.TswasstrangebecauseItherewereonlypeopleintheclass.“Hey,”Iwrote,“wchoneofyouistheteacher?”Theteachermadeherselfnatlast.Shesaidthatshewantedtogetourhonestopinionsabouttheonlineclass.Also,shewantedtohavealittlefunwithus.“Humorwillbeimportantinmyclass,”shesaid.1.Whatwasthefirstresuirementoftheonlineclass?A.Whatwasstrangeaboutthebeginningoftheonlineclass?A.Howweretheotherstudentsdifferentthanthespeaker?C.Whatdidthespeakernotice?D.WhydidtheteacherNOTmakeherselfntotheclasfirst?D注释:1.show:vt.展示,显示;露出;展出,陈列;n.展示,展览;演出showup揭露,拆穿;显眼,露出;出席,到场showoff炫耀,卖弄;使显眼HomeworkSupplementaryListeningTask1Nowyouwillhearalongconverionfollowedbyfivesuestions.Listencarefullyandchoosethebestanswerfromthefourpossiblechoices.M:Allright,everyone.Goodwork.That’sallfortoday’sclass.Doesanyonehaveanysuestions?W:Excuseme,Professor.Ihaveasuestion.I’mworriedaboutmyEnglishskills.Igetgoodmarksontests,butIdon’tfeelthatI’mlearningalot.M:Notexactlyasuestionisit,Winnie?Butit’sagoodconcern.ManyadvancedEnglishlearnershavealarge“passivevocabulary”,buttheyworryabouttheir“activevocabulary”.TheycanunderstandmanydifficultEnglishwordswhenreadingorlistening,buttheydon’tusemostofthemwhenspeakingorwritinginEnglish.Theyfeeltsisaproblem.Theywouldliketouseallthedifficultwordsthatthey.W:DoyoutnkthatIusetoofewwords?M:That’snotwhatI’mingatall.Actually,I’mingtheoppositetng.W:I’mafraidIdon’tunderstand.M:Inyournativelanguage,therearealsothousandsofwordsthatyouunderstandbutyoudon’tuse.Soyouractivevocabularyinyournativelanguageismuchsmallerthanyourpassivevocabulary.AndIguessthatyouarenotworriedaboutthat.W:No,I’mnot.ButIwouldliketousethenewwordsthatIlearninmyEnglishclasses.HowelseamIgoingtorememberthem?M:Nowthat’saverygoodsuestion.W:Iwashopingthatyouhadananswertotssuestion.M:Winnie,youdon’tneedtoworryaboutusing“toofew”Englishwords.Asyourneedsfordifferenttngsgrow,youwillbeabletouseyournewwordsmoreandmore.Itnkyou’dbesurprisedbyhowmuchyou.W:Soyouradvicetomeis“Don’tworry.”?NowI’mworriedthatI’mpayingtoomuchforschool.1.Whoarelikelytoworryabouttheiractivevocabulary?D.Whatis“activevocabulary”accordingtotheprofessor?D.WhatdomanyEnglishlearnerswanttodo?A.Whatdoestheprofessoraboutvocabularyinone’snativelanguage?B.WhatdoestheprofessorwanttotellWinnie?DTasyouwillhearapassagefollowedbyfivesuestions.Listencarefullyandchoosethebestanswerfromthefourpossiblechoices.ThebiggestproblemmostpeoplefaceinlearningEnglisstheirownfear.Theyworrythattheywon’ttngscorrectlysotheydon’tspeakEnglishatall.Don’tdots.Don’tletalittlefearstopyoufromgetting1whatyouwant.ThebestwaytolearnEnglisstosurroundyourselfwitt.ThemoreEnglishmaterialyouhavearoundyou,thefasteryouwilllearnandthemorelikelyyouwillbegintnkinginEnglish.MusiccanbeaveryeffectivetooltolearningEnglish.Thebestwayistousethelyrics(歌词)andtrytoreadthemastheartistsings.Tswayyoucanpracticeyourlisteningandreadingatthesametime.WatcngEnglishmoviesisnotonlyfunbutalsoveryeffective.BywatcngEnglishmovies,youcanexpandyourvocabularyandlearnthenaturalflowsofspeechfromactors.1.WhatisthebiggestproblemthatmanyEnglishlearnershave?B.WhydosomeEnglishlearnersNOTspeakEnglishatall?B.WhatisthebestwaytolearnEnglishaccordingtothespeaker?D.WhatisthebestwaytolearnEnglishthroughmusic?A.HowcanyoubenefitfromwatcngEnglishmovies?


Unit 6 Choosing a Mate

Vocabulary Task


A I know he is the one. He’s ready for a lifetime commitment. He is someone I can really trust.

B I had doubts at first about the relationship. He was divorced once already but wanted to try again. Then I discovered that we like the same things.

C She swept me away with her personality. She has a great sense of humor. She’s easy to talk to and fun to be with. And she’s my type.

Listening Task

1) First Listening


1. He’s a 32 year-old white male. He’s divorced. He likes bodybuilding, rock music and dancing.

2. She’s a 34-year-old, African American, single professional. She’s also involved with Greenpeace.

3. He’s a sensitive 28 year-old guy with a great job and good income. He likes bodybuilding, movies and surfing.

4. She’s a single Chinese-American woman in her mid-twenties. She likes long walks on the beach, candle-light dinners and intelligent conversation.

2) Second Listening


1. He is looking for an attractive woman who likes the same things he does and someone he can trust.

2. She is looking for an African American, single professional man who already has his own life, but wants to share quality time. He has to be honest.

3. He is looking for a man who is fun to be with and knows how to cook. She doesn’t have to be rich.

4. She is looking for a man who comes from a good family and who loves long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and intelligent conversation. He also should like to read and have a good sense of humor.


1. Hi! I’m Michael. I’m a 32 year-old white male, I’m divorced, and I want to try again with the right lady. Like bodybuilding, rock music, dancing, and I like to party. I’m looking for an attractive woman who likes the same things I do. And she’s gotta be someone I can trust.

2. I’m Anita, and I’m a 34-year-old, African American, single professional with a major corporation. I’m also very involved with the environmental organization Greenpeace. I’m looking for an African American, single professional man who already has his own life, but wants to share quality time. He has to be honest, above all else.

3. Hi! My name is Jack. I’m a sensitive 28-year-old guy. I’m ready for someone who wants a lifetime commitment. I’m into bodybuilding, movies and surfing! I have a great job with a good income, so you don’t have to be rich, just fun to be with. And you have to be able to cook.

4. My name is Cora, and I’m a single Chinese American woman. I’m in my mid-twenties. If you love long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and intelligent conversation, I’d like to meet you. I want a man who comes from a good family, likes to read, and has a good sense of humor.

Real World Listening

1. Predict


He’s handsome. He’s so funny.

Get the main idea


He’s handsome.

He looks like a Greek statue.

His clothes are fashionable.

He’s sweet and funny.

He’s easy to be with.


Amy: I know I have a picture of Luis around here some-where. Oh, here it is.

Erika: wow! He’s so handsome! He looks like a Greek statue.

Amy: Yeah, he is very attractive. But I didn’t think so when I first met him.

Erika: You didn’t?

Amy: No. You know what I noticed when I first met him? He has really hairy hands.

Erika: What?

Amy: Yeah. His hands are just really hairy. Plus, his clothes were way more fashionable than I usually like. He just wasn’t my type. And on top of all that, he was shorter than me.

Erika: So how come you went out with him?

Amy: Well, he was just really sweet and funny and I was so comfortable just hanging out with him. And the first time we went out he just swept me away with his personality.

Erika: Really, how?

Amy: He was just really easy to talk to.

Erika: But still, if all those things bothered you, about his hands and all…

Amy: well, you know, none of that was important once I got to know him more. His personality and the way we got along just made it clear to me that he is “the one.”

Erika: So, when’s the big day?


The neighborhood children my age played together: either active, physical games outdoors or games of dolls- and-house indoors. I, on the other hand, spent much of my childhood alone. I'd curl up in a chair reading fairytales and myths, daydreaming, writing poems or stories and drawing pictures.

和我同龄的邻里孩子们一起玩:要么在户外进行体育活动,要么在室内玩玩偶和房子。一、 另一方面,我的童年大部分时间是独自度过的。我会蜷缩在椅子上读童话和神话,做白日梦,写诗歌或故事,画画。

Sometimes around the fourth grade, my“big”(often critical, judgmental) Grandma, who'd been visiting us said to me,“"What's wrong with you? Why don't the other children want to play with you?" I remember being startled and confused by her question.


I'd never been particularly interested in playing with the other children. It hadn't, till then, occurred to me that that was either odd or something with me. Nor had it occurred to me that they didn't“want to play with" me. My first conscious memory of feeling different was in the fouth grade.


At the wardrobe, listening to classmates joking, chattering and laughing with each other, I realized I hadn't a clue about what was so funny or of how to participate in their easy chatter. They seemed to live in a universe about which I knew nothing at all.


I tried to act like others but it was so difficult. I felt confused and disoriented. I turned back to my inner world: reading books, writing and daydreaming. My inwardness grew me in ways that continued to move me further away from the world of my age peers. The easy flow of casual social chat has remained forever beyond my reach and beyond my interest, too.




用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的。 主要有形容词,此外还有名词、代词、数词、介词短语、动词不定式(短语)、分词、定语从句等相当于形容词的词、短语或句子都可以作定语。




little,old 和young 有时可以作为名词短语不可分割的一部分,所以可以直接放在名词之前,例如:a lovely little girl。

表示性格特征的形容词可以放在old young 之前,也可放在old young 之后,例如:a young ambitious man (强调年龄),an ambitious young man(强调雄心勃勃)。



good luck!

大学英语自主学习系统的《大学体验英语》听说教程 四级,五级,六级的答案

unit id question answer

1 1 It's been 10 years since _______________________.(我上次见到你) I saw you last

1 2 I was able to travel and _______________________.(长见识,见世面) see the world

1 3 And I never got stuck _________________________!(当个家庭妇女) being a housewife

1 4 Things are going _____________________________.(近来我过得很开心) great for me these days

1 5 I finally settled down and ________________.(找到一份实在的工作) got a real job

1 6 Now I work 9 to 5 _______________________.(在邻里的一家商店里) at a neighborhood store

1 7 Life has sure treated __________.(对我很好) me well

1 8 I put myself _______________.(自己付学费上完学) through school

1 9 I was able to work _______________________.(在一家公司里步步升迁) my way up in a company

1 10 And then I started _____________________.(我自己的公司;自己干) my own business

2 1 I'm pretty sure that people _____________________.(喜欢的是我这个人) like me for who I am

2 2 I'm just a typical,__________________________.(普普通通,安分守己的女孩) ordinary, regular girl

2 3 I'm just _____________________.(像其他人一样) like everybody else

2 4 I'm really into _____________________.(在俱乐部里跳舞) dancing at clubs

2 5 I spend really late nights _____________________________.(和朋友出去玩) going out with my friends

2 6 Now I'm getting _____________________.(工作耽误下来) behind in my work

2 7 I've got a chance _____________________. (做点十分重要的事情) to do something big

2 8 I could go pro, _____________________.(当职业运动员去参加巡回赛) go on the pro tour

2 9 But I need to _____________________.(辍学) drop out of school

2 10 Well, I gotta _____________________.(做我自己该做的事) do what I gotta do

3 1 Dorm life has ______________________.(一些不足之处) some major negatives

3 2 The other students _____________________.(让我整夜都没合眼) keep me up all night

3 3 And my roommate ___________________________.(一点空间都没给我留下) doesn't give me any space

3 4 My new roommate ___________________________.(没烦得我难受) doesn't drive me crazy

3 5 She never _______________________________________.(四处乱扔食品和衣物) leaves her food or clothes all over the place

3 6 She never ______________________________________.(不经同意就拿我的东西) takes my things without asking

3 7 My dad's rules _____________________.(实在太苛刻) are way too strict

3 8 He won't let me _________________________________________.(打电话超过十分钟) use the phone for more than 10 minutes

3 9 And I have to ____________________________________.(按规定晚上9点以前回家) be back by a 9 p.m. curfew

3 10 I know it's because _________________________________.(他关心我) he's concerned about me

4 1 I'm trying to __________________________.(注意我的支出) watch my spending

4 2 But this sweater may ____________________________________!(再不会这么便宜) never be this cheap again

4 3 Oh, well, that's what ___________________________.(用信用卡的好处) credit cards are for

4 4 If only I could ______________________________.(买得起这么漂亮的套装) afford this killer dress

4 5 I guess ____________________________________________.(我得等它打了折再说) I'll have to wait until it's on sale

4 6 In the meantime, I'll ____________________________________.(我得努力攒够钱) try to save up enough money

4 7 This style is really ___________________.(今年正流行) in this year

4 8 It's the ___________________.(当下最流行) latest thing

4 9 I know I'm ____________________________________.(只是因为品牌才要买) just paying for the designer's name

4 10 But it's so me. I've just _________________________.(一定要买一件) got to have one

5 1 Sometimes I have trouble ________________________________.(听懂当地人讲的英语) understanding native speakers

5 2 That's because native speakers _____________________________.(大量使用俚语) use a lot of slang

5 3 I wish I ____________________________________.(更流利地讲英语) could speak English more fluently

5 4 I want a teacher who is _______________________________.(母语为英语) a native speaker of English

5 5 And I think everyone should learn ___________________________.(标准的美式英语) standard American English

5 6 It would make communication easier if we all ______________.(用相同的说话方式) spoke the same way

5 7 English is the language _________________________________.(国际间的交流) of international communication

5 8 People who speak English ________________________________.(来自四面八方) come from all over the place

5 9 Everyone who speaks English has _____________________________.(口音都不太一样) an accent of some kind

5 10 Sometimes you have to get used to ___________________________.(别人的讲话方式) how someone else speaks

6 1 I know ____________________.(他就是我理想中的爱人) he is the one

6 2 He's ___________________________________.(愿意照顾我一辈子) ready for a lifetime commitment

6 3 He is someone _________________________.(我真正值得依赖的人) I can really trust

6 4 I had doubts at first about ____________________.(这种关系) the relationship

6 5 He was divorced once already but _______________________.(想尝试再恋爱一次) wanted to try again

6 6 Then I discovered that we _________________________.(有许多共同的爱好) like the same things

6 7 She ___________________________________.(她的魅力使我一见倾心) swept me away with her personality

6 8 She has a _________________________.(富有幽默感) great sense of humor

6 9 She's easy to talk to and fun __________________.(在一起) to be with

6 10 And she's ______________________.(与我合得来) my type

7 1 My husband got ___________________________________.(被调到国外其它分公司) transferred across the country

7 2 My son is _________________________________.(觉得有点无依无靠) feeling kind of bummed out

7 3 He's my son _____________________________.(第一次结婚生的) from my first marriage

7 4 I never get to say _______________________________.(自家发生的事情) what goes on in my own house

7 5 I got stuck with _______________________.(妈妈加班时我就要照看这对孪生小家伙) taking care of the twin brats while Mom works late

7 6 It's like _____________________________.(这里成了动物园) a zoo around here

7 7 My husband can't _________________________________.(再不能像往常那样行动自如) get around by himself anymore

7 8 His weight is ___________________________________.(使他的腿脚很不灵便) causing him trouble with his legs

7 9 My son and daughter-in-law had to ____________________________.(搬回家里帮忙) move back home to help out

7 10 We have _______________________________.(求助无门) no one else we can turn to

8 1 I really like ________________________________.(这里生活的方方面面,十分安全) the way it is here, how safe it is

8 2 I can't get over ___________________________________.(人们如此友善,乐于助人) how friendly and helpful people are

8 3 I would like _____________________________.(在这里过一辈子) to live out my life here

8 4 I've gotten ___________________________.(习惯了这里的一切) used to it here

8 5 I used to try to figure out ___________________.(为什么他们要以那样的方式做事) why they do things a certain way

8 6 But now I never ___________________________.(再不想它了) think twice about it

8 7 Sometimes foreigners are ______________________.(不太懂变通) too inflexible

8 8 They shouldn't try to _________________________.(改变我们去适应他们的办事方式) convert us to their way of doing things

8 9 They should just relax and ______________________.(顺应潮流) go with the flow

8 10 Otherwise, they're not going to _________________.(长久维持下去) last long

9 1 The solar car of the future_________________________.(今天就在眼前) is here today

9 2 This car is right ___________________________________.(体现了最先进的科学技术) on the cutting edge of technology

9 3 Be the first ___________________________________.(拥有一辆周围人都没有的车) in your neighborhood to have one

9 4 Introducing a revolutionary new product—________________________.(私人取款机) the personal cash machine

9 5 It's incredibly convenient and will _______________________.(使您的生活更便捷) make your life so easy

9 6 Come visit our website and ________________________.(您今天也订购一台) order yours today

9 7 The homework machine is _______________________________.(一个大学生的梦想) a college student's dream

9 8 It does ___________________________________.(自动为你做好所有的功课) all the work for you automatically

9 9 This new model is ____________________________.(非常方便使用) extremely user friendly

9 10 And it's not too ___________________________.(升级费用也不高) expensive to upgrade

10 1 Whenever he's stressed out,____________________________.(他就抽几支香烟) he has a few cigarettes

10 2 He likes to ___________________________________.(为了缓解压力一天要吸两三包烟) smoke two or three packs a day to relax

10 3 He's really got to kick _________________.(坏毛病) the habit

10 4 He needs _______________________.(专家的帮助) professional help

10 5 He's been __________________________.(过于迷恋赌博) gambling way too much

10 6 He's been addicted __________________________.(已经有几年了) for a few years now

10 7 She acts too ________________________.(有我在的时候很紧张) nervous around me

10 8 She just can't stop ___________________________.(咬手指甲) biting her fingernails

10 9 And she's always _____________________________________.(摆弄她的发梢) playing with the ends of her hair

10 10 The more she does it, ________________________________.(更显得孩子气) the more childish she looks

11 1 I paid for ________________________________.(预订的头等舱机票) first-class tickets in advance

11 2 But I ___________________________________________.(结果却坐在没有空调的二等舱) ended up in second-class with no air conditioning

11 3 I really felt ___________________.(我被人骗了) I had been cheated

11 4 Just after the plane took off,_______________________.(我们飞机的引擎出了故障) we had engine trouble

11 5 The pilot had to _____________________________. (实施紧急降落) perform an emergency landing

11 6 But we ________________________________.(最终安全降落了) made it down safely in the end

11 7 When we were driving across the country ___________________.(我的朋友老是迷路) my friend kept getting lost

11 8 One time we ___________________________________.(被困在一个小镇上迷失了方向) got stranded in a little town in the middle of nowhere

11 9 It was the ___________________________.(让我再也不能忍受) last straw for me

11 10 I got tired of stopping and ____________________________________.(不停地问路) asking for directions all the time

12 1 I have a lot of debts, ____________________________.(特别是信用卡债务) especially credit-card debt

12 2 And my tuition payments are _______________. (快愁死我了) killing me

12 3 I need to find a ________________________.(快速致富的计划) get-rich-quick scheme

12 4 I thought that ________________________________________.(买卖股票风险太大了) buying and selling stocks was too risky

12 5 I thought that real estate was one of _______________.(你可以做的最稳健的投资) the safest investments you could make

12 6 So I bought a condo, but if I sold it now,_________________.(我就会损失一笔钱) I'd lose a bundle

12 7 I'm thinking about ___________________________________.(开一家网络公司) setting up an Internet business

12 8 I want to become ________________________.(经济上独立) financially independent

12 9 In fact, my goal is to ____________________________________.(挣足够多的钱) make more money than I'll ever need

12 10 The bottom line is that I want _______________________.(衣食无忧的未来) a worry-free future



  • 舔夺青朷(2022-06-15 07:59:31)回复取消回复

    dn't“want to play with" me. My first conscious memory of feeling different was in the fouth grade.我从来没有对和其他孩子一起玩特别感兴趣。直到那时,我才意识到这对我

  • 世味信愁(2022-06-15 02:24:13)回复取消回复


  • 蓝殇怀桔(2022-06-14 23:02:06)回复取消回复

    t, above all else.3. Hi! My name is Jack. I’m a sensitive 28-year-old guy. I’m ready for someone who wants a

  • 痛言梦息(2022-06-15 07:19:40)回复取消回复


  • 余安渊鱼(2022-06-15 07:33:04)回复取消回复
