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hacker2022-05-24 05:38:49热点事件125

阿森纳队歌Hot Stuff 演唱达利尔豪 Started out the season nothing stopped us, Everything was going Wright Wright Wright! Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland, When Parlour was our Ray of light, Gonna。

阿森纳队歌为Hot Stuff歌名Hot Stuff 原唱唐娜·莎曼Donna Summer作曲拥抱乐队Embrace作词斯黛芬妮Stephanie语言英文 歌词Started out the season nothing stopped us,开始新的赛季,没有。

我们的本色Blue is the colour1972年切尔西球员彼得·奥斯古德罗恩·哈里斯创作,队歌朗朗上口,透彻出切尔西球迷对本球队的热爱6阿森纳阿森纳之歌Hot Stuff7热刺加油热刺Come On You Spurs。

hot stuff在阿森纳98到99赛季夺得双冠王后成为官方的球迷曲这首歌的原创歌手是被称为disco女王的唐娜·莎曼Donna Summer,7080年代disco音乐鼎盛时期的最突出歌手重新填词的hot stuff演唱者是斯黛芬妮。

Good old arsenal 这是阿森纳的老队歌 mp3 Hot Stuff这首是98阿森纳官方歌曲,是球迷为庆祝夺冠唱的。

now!The Arsenal Come on you Arsenal The Arsenal!The Arsenal Come on you Arsenal The Arsenal!实际上还有一首歌 叫什么什么 ball 记不得了 意思是防守足球的意思 每次阿森纳领先了就唱这个。

The Arsenal Come on you Arsenal The Arsenal!The Arsenal Come on you Arsenal The Arsenal!实际上还有一首歌 叫什么什么 ball 记不得了 意思是防守足球的意思 每次阿森纳领先了就唱这个。


阿森纳队歌 hot stuff Started out the season nothing stopped us,Everything was going Wright Wright Wright!Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland When Parlour was our Ray of light,Gunner see the Arsenal playing。

marryjrry 24mp3 Hot Stuff 阿森纳队歌Started out the season nothing stopped us,Everything was going Wright Wright Wright!Walking in a。

阿森纳队歌歌词 hot stuff Started out the season nothing stopped us,Everything was going Wright Wright Wright!Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland When Parlour was our Ray of light,Gunner see the Arsenal。


新赛季,让我们出发,没有人能阻挡我们 一切就要上演,老赖特 步入博格坎普的世界 帕罗尔放射出耀眼的光芒 枪手看到了阿森纳将创造奇迹 阿森纳正在向世人展示 加油,阿森纳,你们是奇才 告诉我你所厌烦 现在我们又将得分 The。

Started out the season nothing stopped us,Everything was going Wright Wright Wright!Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland,When Parlour was our Ray of light,Gonna see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff!Let#39s see。

阿森纳队歌 Started out the season nothing stopped us,开始新的赛季,没有什么可以阻挡我们 Everything was going Wright Wright Wright!赖特赖特赖特就是一切 Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland,让我们走进博格坎普。

阿森纳队歌hot stuff的中文歌词开始新的赛季,没有什么可以阻挡我们 赖特赖特赖特就是一切 让我们走进博格坎普带来的仙境 帕洛尔是我们心中绽射的光芒 抢手令阿森纳成为夺冠的热门球队 让我们来见证阿森纳如何展示自己。

Hot Stuff 阿森纳队歌 Started out the season nothing stopped us,Everything was going Wright Wright Wright!Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland,When Parlour was our Ray of light,Gonna see the Arsenal playing。




  • 听弧路岷(2022-05-24 14:24:52)回复取消回复

    d,When Parlour was our Ray of light,Gonna see the Arsenal playing。帕特里克是维埃拉,佩蒂是98年世界杯法国国家队的那个长发的佩蒂特,李是李迪克逊,吉尔有可能是说吉尔伯托席尔瓦,马丁指的是马丁基翁,尼格尔是尼格尔·温特本